Keeping Track of Lobbying for Nonprofits

Individuals who work in nonprofit organizations often wonder how to keep track of lobbying activities and report them. We curated several resources that provide templates and a handbook with step-by-step guidance. Please reach out to CSN staff if you have questions. We are here to help you.

Keeping Track of Lobbying for Nonprofits

Keeping Track Handbook

A guide to record keeping for advocacy charities. (PDF)

Sample Employee Timesheet Template

Sample Employee Timesheet Template

Excel spreadsheet including calculation of lobbying hours spent by employees. (EXCEL)

How to Lobby

Lobbying Recording Sheet

How 501(c)(3)s Can Respond During an Election Year on Judicial Nominations and Remain Nonpartisan. (PDF)

Commenting on Candidates and Campaigns

Commenting on Candidates and Campaigns

How 501(c)(3)s Can Respond During an Election Year on Judicial Nominations and Remain Nonpartisan. (PDF)

Praising and Criticizing Incumbents

Praising and Criticizing Incumbents

How 501(c)3s Can Hold Elected Officials Accountable for Official Actions. (PDF)

Electoral Advocacy Article

Electoral Advocacy Article

Expanding your influence, effectiveness, and power in the advocacy arena through electoral organizing. (PDF)

Transition Team Advocacy

Transition Team Advocacy

The period between election and inauguration days is an important window of time when organizations can build relationships and work to have their concerns made a priority of the new administration. (PDF)