Join Coalition for a Strong Nebraska, the Nebraska Civic Engagement Table, and the Nonprofit Association of the Midlands for a post-session wrap-up and to learn about upcoming engagement opportunities. Registration is FREE and you can attend in-person or online!
We’ll recap the 2022 legislative session, hear from senators about the session, and discuss how we can work together during the interim.
The event will be held Tuesday, April 26 from 10:30 to 2:30 on the 5th floor conference room at the Lincoln Community Foundation.
10:30 am Introductions
10:45 am Overview of the 2022 legislative session
11:30 am Panel discussion with outgoing senators
12:15 pm Lunch
12:45 pm Exercise: Your advocacy SWOT analysis
1:00 pm Reflections on the 2022 session: Hearing from you (Facilitated by Lisa Sock, CSN collaborator )
2:00 pm How we work together over the interim + how we can support you