Advocacy Resources
The Coalition for a Strong Nebraska (CSN) provides resources to nonprofit organizations and individuals interested in learning about or advancing their public policy advocacy.

Stand for Your Mission
Resources for nonprofit board members to advocate for an organization’s mission.

Election Checklist for 501(c)(3) Public Charities
Learn how to ensure election year advocacy efforts remain nonpartisan in these recommendations from Bolder Advocacy.

Transition Team Advocacy
The period between election and inauguration days is an important window of time when organizations can build relationships and work to have their concerns made a priority of the new administration. (PDF)

Praising and Criticizing Incumbents
How 501(c)3s Can Hold Elected Officials Accountable for Official Actions. (PDF)

Commenting on Candidates and Campaigns
How 501(c)(3)s Can Respond During an Election Year on Judicial Nominations and Remain Nonpartisan. (PDF)

Electoral Advocacy Article
Expanding your influence, effectiveness, and power in the advocacy arena through electoral organizing. (PDF)

“Being Heard: Voices from Marginalized Communities”
TOPOS Partnership, which works to explore and ultimately change the landscape of public understanding about government and public policy, has completed a new project, “Being Heard: Voices from Marginalized Communities”. The TOPOS team spent the last year listening to the voices of disenfranchised groups in conversations that included the intersection of race, gender, class and sexual orientation. This research can help CSN members better understand and engage individuals who often feel neglected by lawmakers and the media. Here are links to the report, toolkit and video. A Nebraska-specific video also is available: Creating Engaging Conversations About Government:Nebraska.