Inequality for All – How to take action in Nebraska

“The question is not inequality per se, the question is when does inequality become a problem? How much inequality can we tolerate and still have an economy that’s working for everyone and still have a democracy that’s functioning…the most important thing to understand is that consumer spending is 70% of the United States’ economy. And the middle class is the heart of that consumer spending. So it’s your middle class that keeps the economy going. There’s no way you can sustain the economy over the long term without a strong, vibrant and growing middle class. It can’t be done.” – Robert Reich, Inequality for All

The Coalition for a Strong Nebraska recently co-sponsored two showings of the film, INEQUALITY FOR ALL – one in Lincoln on January 27th and another in Omaha on February 6th. The goal of these events was to increase understanding of the causes and impact of income inequality and the important role the middle class plays in our economy. It was our hope that these events would elevate the level of public discourse around income inequality and catalyze meaningful conversations about what we can do to support a strong, vibrant middle class in Nebraska.

According to filmmakers, the goal of INEQUALITY FOR ALL is to empower everyday people to become advocates for change and inspire them to take action on a personal, community, or political level. A passionate argument on behalf of the middle class, INEQUALITY FOR ALL features Robert Reich – professor, best-selling author, and former U.S. Secretary of Labor – as he demonstrates how the widening income gap has a devastating impact on the American economy and threatens the foundation of our democracy. For additional information on many of the topics raised during the Q & A following the film screenings in Lincoln and Omaha, we’d like to provide the following resources:

  • Rebuild Nebraska – for further information on current debates around our state’s tax system and our ability to make investments that strengthen Nebraska’s economy and support the “Good Life” here in our state:
  • Wellness in Nebraska – for more information on efforts to increase access to affordable health care for tens of thousands of working Nebraskans:
  • Increasing the Minimum Wage in Nebraska- for more information on efforts to raise the minimum wage in Nebraska:

Many of the organizations involved with the INEQUALITY FOR ALL events in Lincoln and Omaha offer opportunities to get involved in efforts to build and support a strong middle class. For further information, see their websites:

Center for People in Need
It is the mission of the Center for People in Need to provide comprehensive services and opportunities to support low-income, high needs families and individuals as they strive to lift themselves out of poverty and achieve economic self-sufficiency.

Community Action of Nebraska
Community Action of Nebraska collaborates with community service organizations across the State to foster the cultures and skills which support low income families attaining economic stability and keep the voices and conditions of those in poverty central to the development of public policy. 

Heartland Workers Center
It is the mission of HWC to improve the quality of life of Latino/a immigrant workers by promoting leadership development, workers’ rights, and civic engagement through information sharing, training, and organizing.

Holland Children’s Movement
The Holland Children’s Movement is focused on advocating for public policy changes needed in Nebraska to improve outcomes for children born into low-income families.

Metropolitan Community College
Metropolitan Community College is a comprehensive, public community college that offers affordable and quality education to all residents of Dodge, Douglas, Sarpy and Washington counties.

Nebraska Appleseed
Nebraska Appleseed is a nonprofit organization that fights for justice and opportunity for all Nebraskans.

Nebraska State Education Association
The Nebraska State Education Association is a member-directed union representing 28,000 public school teachers and other educational professionals across Nebraska.

OLLAS (Office of Latino/Latin American Studies of the Great Plains)
It is the mission of OLLAS to combine academic excellence with real-world engagement in order to enhance our understanding of Latino/Latin American peoples and critical issues.

OpenSky Policy Institute
OpenSky’s mission is to improve opportunities for every Nebraskan by providing impartial and precise research, analysis, education, and leadership.

Voices for Children in Nebraska
Voices for Children in Nebraska educates and motivates Nebraskans to take action to better the lives of Nebraska’s vulnerable children in the areas of Health, Education, Safety and Economic Stability.

William Brennan Institute for Labor Studies
The Institute’s statewide mission is to foster creative and critical thinking among labor leaders, potential leaders, and interested members by providing relevant information and training in the skills needed in today’s changing economy and workplace.

 If you’d like to see the film, INEQUALITY FOR ALL is now available on DVD, iTunes and OnDemand.  The film will be available on Netflix in late February. For more information on the film, see the website: